“The Tsunami Threat to California Findings and Recommendations On Tsunami Hazards and Risks”
CSSC Tsunami Report 05-03 [pdf] CalTrans Tsunami Signage Policy
March 2005
- Agenda: March 16 [pdf]
- California Tsunami Program: .ppt Richard Eisner part1
- California Tsunami Program: .ppt Richard Eisner part2
- Ocean Basin and Design Issue for California Infrastructure: .ppt Martin Eskigian
- Overview of Costal Processes and Tsunami Inundation: .ppt Reinhard E. Flick
- Overview of National Weather Service & the Tsunami Warning Program: .ppt Eric Boldt
- Overview of Performance of Ports, Harbors, Infrastructures, and Buildings in Sri Lanka and India: .ppt Peter Yin
- Possible Local Tsunami Sources Impacting California:.ppt Michael Reichle
- President’s Proposed Expansion of Tsunami Warning System: .ppt Eddie Bernard
- Structural Damage and Response to Historic California Tsunamis: .ppt Orville T. Magoon
- Tsunami Mitigation Efforts on California’s North Coast: .ppt Lori Dengler
- Washington State Tsunami Program: A Comprehensive Approach: .ppt George Crawford
August 2005 (Minutes)
- Agenda August 12 [pdf]
- Humboldt and Del Norte Counties Tsunami Assessment, Preparedness and Mitigation Activities: Dan Larkin, Humboldt County & Allen Winogradov, Del Norte County
October 2005 (Minutes)
June 2005 (Minutes)
- Agenda: June 23 [pdf]
- California Coastal Commission Approach to Tsunami Safety: .ppt Mark Johnsson
- Caltrans Tsunami Hazard Zone Signs: [pdf] Gerry Meis
- Caltrans Tsunami Sign Policy: [pdf] Gerry Meis
- Lifeline Utilities Issues and Tsunamis: .ppt Lloyd Cluff, PG&E (134MB)
- Outdoor Warning System, San Francisco Office of Emergency Services and Homeland Security: .ppt Doug Sandy
July 2005 (Minutes)
- Agenda: July 25 [pdf]
- realtimenearshoretsunamidetection .ppt Dr. Richard Seymour
- Siting and Design Issues for California Structures:.ppt Martin Eskijian, P. E.
- Hydrodynamic and Landslide Issues with the Port of Los Angeles and Long Beach: (part 1).ppt Dr. Fred Reichlen
- Hydrodynamic and Landslide Issues within the Port of Los Angeles and Long Beach: (part 2) .ppt Dr. Fred Reichlen
- Wave Hydrodynamics In Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach .ppt David Dykstra, Moffatt & Nichol
September 2005 (Minutes)
Supplemental Material
- Historic Tsunami Run Up Map for California.jpg: Dr. Lori Dengler
- Dataset for the Historic
Tsunami Run Up Map for California.xls: Dr. Lori Dengler